
Background: In the Far East there exists a mystical kingdom Qoomania. Due to an ancient magical artifact "Oriental Quin", animals there underwent a remarkable transformation as they acquired new abilities and characteristics. These extraordinary creatures are called Qoomons.

Qoomon: As Qoomons embraced their newfound powers, they began to take on different roles within their society. Some become nimble and stealthy ninjas, using their agility and combat skills to protect their homeland. Some started practicing kungfu, turning into samurai and warlords. Others delved into the secrets of magic, becoming skilled magicians capable of summoning powerful spells and enchantments.

Quin: Quin holds immense significance in Qoomania. This valuable artifact not only has the magical power to transform animals to Qoomons, but also serves as a symbol of wealth and success. As a result, Quin is well sought after among Qoomons.

Player's Goal: You are a Qoomon master. Your goal is to assemble a team of Qoomons to quest for Quin. In your journey you will duel other Qoomon masters. The path will not be easy, but with strategy, skill, and luck, you shall defeat other challengers to win Quin and become the best Qoomon master!

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