Quin (Crypto)
Qoomon Quest is a free-to-play game: every player can enjoy the Friendly Mode without any costs.
However, it is the integration of Quin and the introduction of Tournament Mode that bring the game excitement to the next level.
What is Quin
Quin is our native token, scheduled to released in 3Q-2024. It is an ERC-20 token on the [Linea chain].
Main utilities of Quin include:
To provide a player access to Tournament Mode
To expand Qoomon collection
To enjoy staking rewards for Stakers
Tournament Mode
With Quin a player can participate in Tournament Mode, unlocking the win-to-earn feature of Qoomon Quest.
Custodial Wallet - with each new player registration, we create a custodial wallet behind the scene for that player. Thus, no existing crypto wallet is required.
Acceptance of Fiat & Crypto during the on-boarding process
Quin has not been offered as a security, and contributors should have zero expectation of profit, irrespective of the plans and ideations outlined in this conceptual paper. Furthermore, public claim functions and liquidity pools are not be available to any participant with a US, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, or Syria IP address.
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